Rewriting The Ending

Nowadays, opportunities to express misanthropic and cynical viewpoints are thick on the ground – cruel and duplicitous politicians who still bafflingly find true believers, fantastical and murderous conspiracy theories, betrayals and close-mindedness, callousness and cruelty everywhere. It makes so much…

Sleep Paralysis

I still like the film Inception. This is not an unusual opinion, it was a huge blockbuster hit, but in general the film seems to have diminished somewhat in the public estimation in the decade since its release. Many of…

Out Loud

Subtlety is overrated. I find I have less patience these days for slow burns and coy insinuations, for quiet stories that never quite go anywhere or actually say anything. When I was first studying writing and art, I resisted the…

Half Measures

There are certain ideas that I find myself endlessly revisiting, ideas so flexible that I end up appealing back to their analogies on a weekly basis. One such idea is that of Zeno’s Paradox, which goes thus: In order to…

Buying Time

We’re running out of time, or time is running out on us. I have a problem with boundaries – not with interpersonal boundaries, but with perceiving divisions in a continuum. How do you decide where a river ends and the…