
Your lips are intriguing, a sheath for your teeth, a curled pearl snarl or wrap around rocks, singing a song or intoning a poem, bent up in symbols known only to you. Cheeks rising with lips and eclipsing the eyes,…


Fictional lies pose an interesting challenge. With the (many) lies we encounter in our daily lives, we understand that there is a reality that these lies are purposefully misrepresenting – that, even if we don’t know the truth, there is…


“How am I so confident?” She rubbed her lips, I think imagining another version of herself taking a cool film noir drag on a cigarette. “Am I? No, no I’m just good at not acting, uh, unconfident? Nervous. Whatever. I’m…

Phoblem Machine

I love pho. I originally got hooked on it when I was living in San Francisco and you could buy it on maybe 10% of the street corners city-wide, and have continued to eat it regularly everywhere I moved afterwards.…


Playing a game is learning a set of habits, a set of reactions, and trying to tune and optimize those habits and reactions towards those that most frequently successfully achieve the game’s goal. Calling it a strategy might, sometimes, seem…


I mentioned yesterday that I’ve been trying to livestream more gameplay (currently with a tenuous schedule of Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday @ 8pm, ). It’s interesting the sorts of pressures that streaming your gameplay puts on you – it…