Category Music


We’re at the end of another month. For February, I have made… an album! I honestly didn’t think I was going to have something ready by end of month that I could call an album. The first couple weeks were…

Vacation: Music Time

I’ve ended up on an impromptu vacation due to someone else cancelling. This wouldn’t necessarily keep me from writing a post, but no ideas have readily sprung to mind and I haven’t had the motivation to wrack my brains for…


I got the piece I wanted to post today up to around 1300 words, with 2/3rds of the outline left to fill, and realized I wouldn’t be able to finish it in time.That’s okay, though, because I just finished a…

Music and Meaning

I feel like there’s a hole in the way we discuss soundtracks. We talk about using certain instruments or techniques to evoke certain kinds of emotions and associations without ever talking about the specifics of how we do that and…