A Miner Shift
Decades ago, a friend told me a logic problem that had a big impact on how I see the world. Two workers emerge from the coal mines after a long day of work: One’s face is covered in soot, the…
Decades ago, a friend told me a logic problem that had a big impact on how I see the world. Two workers emerge from the coal mines after a long day of work: One’s face is covered in soot, the…
We’re at the end of the first official month of development of the current version of EverEnding. That’s a lot of qualifiers, but it’s still a milestone of sorts. Did it go well, you may ask? Did it go poorly?…
We’re at the end of another month. For February, I have made… an album! I honestly didn’t think I was going to have something ready by end of month that I could call an album. The first couple weeks were…
Another month has gone by, and though a short vacation, a nasty little cold, and a number of other minor distractions got in my way, I still managed to make a little bit of progress. First, and most importantly, I…
This was an eventful month! Following my devblog post last month, I started sharing the project on a couple of game dev forums, and through a logical process which eludes me now 30 days later determined that a) I wanted…
I’ve ended up on an impromptu vacation due to someone else cancelling. This wouldn’t necessarily keep me from writing a post, but no ideas have readily sprung to mind and I haven’t had the motivation to wrack my brains for…
I got the piece I wanted to post today up to around 1300 words, with 2/3rds of the outline left to fill, and realized I wouldn’t be able to finish it in time.That’s okay, though, because I just finished a…
I feel like there’s a hole in the way we discuss soundtracks. We talk about using certain instruments or techniques to evoke certain kinds of emotions and associations without ever talking about the specifics of how we do that and…
Over the last year, I wrote a piece of music each month with the intent of collating all of them into an album. Most of these I’ve put up on the blog as I went, generally as a sort of…
Some people make art like glass, venting their heat against the earth until it gives way, melts and fuses, and giving it shape through the circumstances of wind and breath that brought it into being. Some people make art like…