Category Life in the Machine


Cynicism is like cholesterol; there’s a good kind and a bad kind. I used to dislike cynicism categorically, but over time I’ve come to recognize that we call at least two diametrically opposed concepts by the same name. This sort…


There’s no such thing as a line. Lines are wholly conceptual. They are a thing that we perceive rather than a thing that exists. The lines that we see emerge wherever we perceive a division between one thing and another…


There’s always a gap between the world we perceive and the world as it is, and we’ll never be able to measure how wide it is. There’s a distance between the person we know and our knowledge of the person,…


This is the story of power. In the beginning, there is the community. At first there’s no real differentiation between members, each doing whatever work seems to need to be done as it occurs to them to do it. One…


Well, it seems as though we’re going to be stuck inside for a while. The situation is pretty scary, but moment-to-moment this frankly doesn’t represent much of a change in my life. However, like the clouds of smoke that wash…