Category Life in the Machine

Instant Nostalgia

Today I saw a clip floating around from the movie Free Guy, a recent moderately-well-received cinematic pastiche of video game tropes, in which the hero wins the day through, essentially, the power of licensing – retrieving iconic virtual movie props…

Rewriting The Ending

Nowadays, opportunities to express misanthropic and cynical viewpoints are thick on the ground – cruel and duplicitous politicians who still bafflingly find true believers, fantastical and murderous conspiracy theories, betrayals and close-mindedness, callousness and cruelty everywhere. It makes so much…

Sleep Paralysis

I still like the film Inception. This is not an unusual opinion, it was a huge blockbuster hit, but in general the film seems to have diminished somewhat in the public estimation in the decade since its release. Many of…

Half Measures

There are certain ideas that I find myself endlessly revisiting, ideas so flexible that I end up appealing back to their analogies on a weekly basis. One such idea is that of Zeno’s Paradox, which goes thus: In order to…

Memento Vivere

It’s daunting to imagine all the things I’ve forgotten. What percentage of a life gets remembered? A slender one for certain – even the people and events we remember we remember in silhouette, in snippets of noise and face and…