The Hate Riddle
I started writing a piece, but it got too big to finish in a timely fashion, so instead I’m pushing it back a couple of days. In its stead, I’d like to pose you a question, one that’s been bothering…
I started writing a piece, but it got too big to finish in a timely fashion, so instead I’m pushing it back a couple of days. In its stead, I’d like to pose you a question, one that’s been bothering…
Admitting that I don’t really know who I am has made my life so much easier. Admitting that I do not know the extent to which I am fundamentally unknowable has made my world so much simpler. Admitting that my…
We are the things we do. Taking a break is so strange. I still feel basically intact and like more or less the same person, but bits of my mind seem to wander. When we do the same thing every…
Just as some people seem realer to us than others, some places seem to be solid while others are ephemeral and hypothetical. Our map of the world is akin to a sensory homonculus, exaggerated out of proportion in our homes and…
I’ve been writing a lot about various permutations of writer’s block recently. “Write what you know,” that’s what they say. It’s odd, isn’t it? All that one must do to write is put words down, to transcribe one’s thoughts. We…
I haven’t played the game I drew this week at all. I think that I made some assumptions going into this that have proven to be false. I had assumed that because I spent so much time during the day…
What am I scared of? Here’s what I’m scared of. I’m scared that if I miss one post then I’ll miss more. I’m scared that if I let one deadline slip then the concept of the deadline will be invalidated,…
Sometimes, as a creative-type person, you are going to realize that you have no ideas. Absolutely none. And, when you’re starting out, it’s easy to convince yourself that you’ve run out. You’ve tapped your well. You’ve emptied yourself, and now…
I can’t think too good right now. –––––––––– When life starts getting difficult to face, it’s a natural tendency to try to section off a bite-sized chunk of self-destruction, to burn a piece of ourselves in effigy. Destroy a piece…
I ran a fan every moment of every day, for three or four months, over the Summer. Now that the temperature has cooled down, I turned the fan off and immediately began to feel uncomfortable. I could hear too much,…