EverEnding DevBlog 162: Annual
Well, another year passed, as they tend to do. And, as is common, I’m taking this as an opportunity to step back a bit and appraise where I’m at, both with this project and more generally. What have I achieved…
Well, another year passed, as they tend to do. And, as is common, I’m taking this as an opportunity to step back a bit and appraise where I’m at, both with this project and more generally. What have I achieved…
There are two reasons I didn’t get a lot done this week. One is pretty predictable: There was a holiday, and I spent some time on holiday stuff. It was pretty good. The other reason is that I spent a…
Making a lot of progress on AnxEdit, though I bogged down for a couple of days on the particulars of dragging and dropping frames on the timeline. It turns out things get a bit less intuitive when you add the…
Worked on AnxEdit this week. It’s kind of remarkable how much more quickly I can work when the territory is familiar – this really shines a spotlight on how much of the work I was doing before was actually sitting…
Well I was supposed to put up a devblog yesterday, and through a unique cocktail of procrastination and forgetfulness I didn’t get around to that. So here it is a day late. Part of the reason is I wanted to…
Spent this week just going through the animations for the mask entity and changing them to be holding a spear instead of a knife. Very boring work, but necessary if I’m going to make the alternate spear version. Fortunately this…
Spent the first couple of days this week working on the character design. Once I got the idea down I stopped work on the picture, so it’s still kind of sketchy – which, with the digital painting style I was…
The stone throwing version of the entity is like 90% done now. The only remaining stuff to do is to add a couple of animations, which are really just some of the knife animations with the knife layer turned off…
This was a programming kind of week. Very quickly into trying to implement the throwing animation I created last week, I realized that my current system for creating animation commands wasn’t going to cut it. The system, as it existed…
Well, I made an improved version of the throwing animation prototype. This is normally the place where I would embed a gif of the animation, but like a true creative genius I completely failed to save the finished version of…