Over the last couple of decades I’ve written hours of music for use in various projects. This track contains 40 second snippets from 12 separate tracks showcasing a diversity of styles.

Listed below are the source tracks with some information about the project styles and themes that shaped them.


Everending is a surreal narrative 2d platformer project about lost souls after the end of the world, currently on long-term hiatus. The style is one of chimes and abstract vocal samples.

1. A Ring Around

A multi-phase boss fight, a “Chimera” built of hands and masks emerging from a chest.

2. The Orphan Gardens

A garden built in the clouds, wracked by alternating storms and calm spells.

Bound City

Bound City is a stark 2d horror-adventure platformer about a city hovering on the brink of life and death, currently in development. The style starts with retro chiptunes closely mimicking the NES style and expands to a more sophisticated sound palette over the course of the game.

3. Urban Forest

An overgrown city park where the animals, and the people around them, have grown wild and desperate.

4. Do No Harm

A broken hospital full of mysteries

5. Devoured From Within

Unsettling secrets hide in the walls

6. One Second Past Midnight

They say the clockwork represents something, but no one’s certain quite what

Albums and Miscellany

These tracks weren’t created for any project in particular

7. Dissolution

Dying cries of dissolving crystal

8. The Forgetter

A bouncy nostalgia with a hint of adventure

9. Outside of Reason

A doomed galaxy spins about a final confrontation

10. More Than the Sum of our Parts

A jarring, inconvenient determination

11. The Past is a Ghost and the Future is a Monster

Ghosts collide in smoke and neon

12. Please Don’t Make Me Leave

Everything falls apart