The Hate Riddle
I started writing a piece, but it got too big to finish in a timely fashion, so instead I’m pushing it back a couple of days. In its stead, I’d like to pose you a question, one that’s been bothering…
I started writing a piece, but it got too big to finish in a timely fashion, so instead I’m pushing it back a couple of days. In its stead, I’d like to pose you a question, one that’s been bothering…
Not a particularly productive week, but progress progressed nevertheless. The main thing I achieved was creating and implementing the Harvest animation. This is actually something I came up with the idea for relatively recently, but the idea is that, rather…
I’ve been playing the beta for Hearthstone, Blizzard Entertainment’s upcoming online collectable card game. It’s actually difficult for me to justify this as time well spent. It’s not that it’s a bad game – quite the opposite, in fact. I…
Admitting that I don’t really know who I am has made my life so much easier. Admitting that I do not know the extent to which I am fundamentally unknowable has made my world so much simpler. Admitting that my…
My major accomplishment this week was getting game entities set up so they can be exported to and imported from xml files. This is the culmination of what I’ve been trying to achieve by breaking each entity down into a…
It is often observed that playing games and making games are different activities. This is kind of obvious, but whatever the technical college advertisements might have you believe, there is more involved in developing a game than playing through it…
Endings are hard. Endings are weird. Our effects as humans, as entities and processes, will outlast our lives, never ending but blending instead seamlessly into each other, on and on, forever. Our stories will outlive the process of our bodies,…
The trip ended up taking a lot out of me. I’ve been feeling rather tired. Progress on the project is still happening, but it’s slowing down a bit while I figure out when to fit each task into my say…
We are the things we do. Taking a break is so strange. I still feel basically intact and like more or less the same person, but bits of my mind seem to wander. When we do the same thing every…
I’m doing a lot of traveling right now, so I’m going to be taking the weekend off from writing. New posts will start up again on Wednesday. Thanks!