Problem Machine

Problem Machine


There’s this desire to make stories huge epics, covering vast expanses of space and huge worlds of consequence. There’s also a desire to make the same stories be personal, relatable, grounded in the lives of a few people and their…

Three Short Reviews

Here are some thoughts on the last three movies I’ve seen. I suppose they’re brief reviews. I’ll try to avoid spoilers in any specific terms, but you could probably deduce some things about where the films are going if you…

Machine Problem

Diagnosing problems with a machine can be difficult when you live inside that machine. Whenever something goes wrong with our bodies, we have to address the issue as best as we can while also contending with its consequences, and all…


When we search for meaning in an uncaring universe, what is it we search for? Meaning isn’t an object that can be found, isn’t an inherent trait of anything, isn’t even a truth that can be discovered – meaning is…