Those of you who follow this blog may have noticed I didn’t update today. Sorry! I’ve been putting all of my time and energy into getting a ball rolling that I’ve been talking about for a while, a sadly inert ball that has been a monkey on my back, a ball monkey on my sad back, a– let me start over.
Today was the first day of the Eve daily devblog. I started a new wordpress blog at to host daily updates on the status of the Eve project, which I still haven’t settled on a final name for but at least I have a name for the blog. If you’re interested in the project, or just interested in supporting my work, go check it out! Apply your psychic pressure to my procrastinating ass.
Problem Machine updates will resume as normal on Monday, once I settle into a routine. I may also do a weekly crossposted digest of Titan Seed updates.
Again, thanks for reading, and sorry for missing this update. It should be a good month!