Well I got the general case solution working, and I got all of the code I’d already written for the entity behavior copied over to where it needs to be, and I built it all and it all runs more or less. So I guess now I’m on to debugging and improving it, creating more animations, and creating the alternate versions of this entity. It’s all a lot of work, but I knew it would be: The problem at this point is mostly just that it’s been real hot and I’ve been having trouble keeping my motivation going.
But, you know, my motivation has flagged plenty of times during this project, and it still keeps on chugging along. As long as I get a bit of work in every day, it will continue to move forward. Yes, I’d prefer to get in more than a little, but sometimes it’s going to be hard.
That’s just how it is.
So, this week will be mostly creating new animations to flesh out this entity, implementing them, and fidgeting with the code to make the behavior better and more naturalistic. Hopefully productivity will pick up, but even if it doesn’t progress will get made, just perhaps very slowly.