The Future

It’s Saturday and I’m still alive. I’ve managed to do a thousand word essay a day for four days in a row now, sufficient to make this site meaty enough that a first-time reader will have something to sink their teeth into (though hopefully they will still come away wanting more). However, I do not think I’m capable of keeping up this pace indefinitely, at least without treating this as my full-time job. Fortunately I’d never really planned to, so I don’t feel that I’m letting myself down here by saying, now, that I’m going to be transitioning into a two-essays-a-week schedule

New essays are scheduled to be posted to the site on Tuesdays and Fridays. That should hopefully give me plenty of time on Monday and Thursday to bang out a first draft, polish it up, send it to a few friends and family I trust for feedback, and hopefully have enough time remaining to edit it into a state of readability before posting it up for your perusal the next day. That is, assuming I behave responsibly and don’t just put it off until the last minute and bang it out as quickly as possible. We shall see.

I’m looking into some other solutions as well

However, just because I don’t intend to post essays daily doesn’t mean the site will be dead on off days. I have a lot of ideas for potential extra content to add. If anyone would like to see me review a game or interview a person, feel free to comment or email me at and I will do my best to accommodate the request, although my financial means and contact list are meager at best. Also, if you have any other ideas for content you’d like to see here, by all means contact me and tell me what you’d like to see. The audience is half of what defines a piece of art.

Additionally, I would like to start posting pieces of music and concept art at some point, as well as possibly small game prototypes or code experiments. I’m really not sure what kind of schedule I can stick to as far as these things go, but I’d like to institute a release schedule for them at some point. I may experiment with releasing, say, one piece of music and one drawing a week at some point in the future. Regarding programming, though, there’s not much point in me releasing anything unless I have a specific idea to work on, so I’m not sure to what extent I can schedule that at all.

Finally, I would eventually like to transition this into doubling as game-dev-blog for a project I’ve been working on intermittently for some time. I’m still trying to decide what I want to tell the world about this project, but my hope is that by opening up the development process to my friends here that I can inspire myself to stick to the project more regularly and get others as excited about it as I am.

This will be an adventure. Let us proceed. To the future!

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